Saturday, October 20, 2012

Child Analogy.

Have you ever had those "Ah-ha" moments? Where the light bulb clicks on, even if you've seen or heard something for the hundredth time? In our daily lives it's so easy to overlook the simplest joys!
Well God revealed a wonderful thought to me the other day... While I was in the public restroom :)

So, I walk into the restroom near O'Hana Court and see this woman kneeling down, with her arms around these two beautiful blonde girls, prolly 3 years old? The woman is watching over them so the mother can have a short break and use the toilet! I hear the woman talking to the girls .. "You're so beautiful." "Your dress is pretty." "You are such a good girl." 

Now, I love kids and have been around heaps in my lifetime! How common is it to hear someone saying positive, uplifting, good words to a child!? Extremely. But for some reason, it was a revelation in my mind.

I thought to myself, those aren't even that women's children? Why is she comforting them? Why are we so kind to children, especially other people's? How often do you hear someone saying to a child "You're ugly." "Nobody wants to play with you because you're mean." "You are bad."
 (Thank the Lord we don't hear that, but go with it)

And I heard God say "You are my child." "I think you're beautiful." I smiled.
God said, "That girl today that was annoying you, she's my daughter too." 

And BAM! Revelation!

We are all God's children, yes? Why is it so easy for us to speak negatively of one another, to judge based on outward appearances, to not want to give the time of day to some people?? God is Abba, our Father - we are all related. You wouldn't think to go up to a child and say something negative or hurtful! You wouldn't push a child down or ignore a child standing all alone. 
Why do we feel we can do that to God's children? 

I'm sure you've heard the terms "God's children" - "God is our Father" - etc.
But really, ponder this for a moment.

The next time you see someone struggling, help them.
You see someone crying, comfort them.
You see someone obviously confused/alone, give them guidance.
You see someone has body issues, tell them they're beautiful.
You see someone smiling, rejoice with them.
You see someone in need of help, lend a hand.
Walk in the opposite spirit people.

Don't be selfish, thinking of your needs, what works best for you, what you'll get out of it. Screw those thoughts! We are all wonderfully and perfectly made and deserve to know this truth.

Live in love. 

Proverbs 16:24 "Gracious words are a honeycomb - sweet to the soul and healing to the bones!"
If you think negative thoughts a lot, rebuke them in the name of Jesus!

-Think about it-

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