Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Hawai'ian Christmas

Never thought I would spend two years in a row in the tropics without a white Christmas! 
God is SO amazing and has so many plans that I never saw coming.
I've learned to be extremely grateful for my past, the hurts and the good times. It has strengthened me and prepared me in areas I didn't even know existed. 
I love looking at my life in retrospect.
 God has always been present, even in the times it felt He was nowhere to be found, yet He never left my side and was paving a path I could never have done myself. 
I'm beyond grateful.
I'm also grateful you are along this journey with me. 

Christmas was beautiful.
Our Base Director's Brett & Karen Curtis invited us up to their condo for an amazing dinner and dessert! We played Monopoly Deal, watched Troy, build a gingerbread house, and had amazing conversations all thru out. I'm extremely blessed by YWAM Ships, everyone involved is extremely laid back, chill, sweet, kind hearted, east to converse with, and extremely genuine. I love where I am in life. Christmas was definitely different this year than last year in Australia. All of our students were gone, there was prolly 20 of us up at Brett & Karen's and it felt like a very lazy day, which was an odd feeling.
Our lovely gingerbread house!

Our gingerbread house collapsed about 10 minutes after we were finished.. Haha

This is a green journal Brett & Karen got me as a present! Totally unexpected, now full of scripture, and beautiful quotes, especially from Mother Teresa :)

I also got an amazing surprise package from my parents! As my heart is geared towards Justice Issues in the world, I have decided that this quarter if I want any new clothes, headbands, etc I will only purchase Fair Trade and Direct Trade items; so if they are from India (for example) it won't come from Wal-Mart but will specifically be from an Organization that the money will directly return to. It won't support sweat shops, but support women who have escaped the sex-trade industry, or children escaping abuse, etc. I hadn't told anybody this, and my parents bought me a few headbands and a travel jewelry case that were direct trade! The little tag had the signature of the woman who made the items, which was the most special part. My parents keep blowing me away with their awesomeness. It meant the world to me that they acknowledged where my heart is, and in return were able to help people out! They also sent me a beautiful silver/blue bracelet that is my treasured gift.
I'm just a lucky girl and had to brag.

Along with this crazy amazingness, my dear friend Jami sent me a care package! 
This is a pretty neat story. Jami and I met our Freshman year in High School, became good friends and stayed decent friends thru out High School. We just always got along, whether we hung with the same crowd or did the same things or not. She has always been a joy, a woman who always brings laughter and a smile to any room she walks in. It's funny how Facebook has allowed me to be a creeper on her life these past few years post High School and to feel as tho we were friends, but kind of not at the same time. So anyways, we ran into each other at a bar of all places a couple weeks before I left Michigan for Hawaii. We reconnected, I totally got to share my heart with her and catch up! It was SUCH a blessing and encouragement. When I came to YWAM Ships she had emailed me saying she'd like to send me care packages to support what I'm doing. (As you all know, being a missionary means you don't buy anything but necessities.. especially right now, have zero supporters, kinda rough). So, I thought it'd just be a little package - NO! I should have known better with Jami! 

Jami sent me a box filled with heaps of wrapped gifts! They were basic things a girl loves :) Some granola bars, nail polish, mousse, face mask, etc.! 
I was absolutely blown away by the kindness she showed to me! I love that someone you haven't seen in years cares enough about what you do to support it, in such a legit way. 
My students thought it was legit, it inspired heaps of people and was a blessing to many people. 
What an angel.


Aside from the amazing gifts, I was also able to finally Skype my grandma in Wyoming! My mom's dad Rex Tryon passed away December 9th, which was pretty hard. He had a stroke when I was in 3rd grade and has been paralyzed ever since. I would visit him and hang out with him while I lived in Wyoming and was very blessed by him. I definitely didn't think the last time I left Wyoming would be the last time I'd see him. Even tho he was old and is better off, it still sucked. I definitely needed a Skype session with my grandma and am super thankful my mom was able to fly out there for a few weeks to spend much needed mom time. 
Which then left dad and Chris at home, haha, which had to be pretty weird! 
Glad my daddy is up to date with technology tho and I was able to Skype him as well!
 Very great Christmas.  

So ya, I'd have to say that my Christmas in Hawaii was pretty darn legit. I'm a very lucky girl, surrounded by amazing people, building relationships in Kona and all over the world! 
Thank you Lord for all you provide.
Thank you for the communication and how easy it is to stay in touch with family and friends!
Thank you for people you bring back into our lives.
Thank you that friendships never die.
Thank you everything you created and are allowing me to enjoy. 
I love you Abba! 

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