Sunday, December 16, 2012

Be Youer Than You!

Our students leave in one week for outreach!
I cannot believe that I have gotten so close to these young men and women over the past 3 months and now they're leaving to change the world!
I feel like that proud mom, sending her child out into the world.

To say the least, these past few months of lecture phase have been amazing.
We've covered many topics, dealt with many deep heart issues and have had many breakthru's in people's lives!

Thank God for the time we've had, because we have been able to build relationships, get to the root of issues and truly walk in love with one another!
Fellowship is such a blessing.
 If you don't go to church, I'd encourage you to seek one because there's nothing better than building deep friendships and watching the Lord work in one another.

I'm sorry if a church has ever hurt you in the past.
I'm sorry if the topic or thought pisses you off.
I know there is a lot of hurt out there and deep wounds.
I hope you'll find people who can encourage you, challenge you in your walk, and be able to rejoice with you!
I pray you will encounter someone who will give you the time of day, accept you for you, and be able to walk with you as Jesus would.. Church isn't bad, trust me.

I personally have learned that there is no greater pleasure than seeing God transform people's lives.
The students that arrived in October are not the same students that are preparing for outreach.
Many of them came with past hurts, be it marriages/relationships, sexual abuse, drugs/alcohol abuse, psychological abuse.. and over the past 12 weeks we have been able to walk along side them,
speak Truth into their lives and be the best example of Jesus we could be.

Yes, we have all had our ups and downs, good days and bad days, but it's working thru our issues that we learn. Thank God these students have been so patient with me, Lord knows I'm not always the easiest person to get along with! It's keeping short accounts with one another that's made a difference for me. If I upset someone, or someone upset's me, I take no time to approach them and resolve the issue, whereas before, I would let it dwell and fester inside of me. Which honestly brought me down more and more, and I would gossip about that person or situation, but man! Nip it in the butt and life is good! Nothing hanging over you, no thoughts wandering around making you think things that aren't true! Such release and freedom, try it out!

I've definitely also learned to let go of control in this season of my life.
Funny how you don't notice certain things about yourself until you're in a leadership position; then, when it's all out in the open, you want nothing more than to change. And by change, I mean be more Christlike.. some times I'm not the best example..
I love being a leader in our schools, however, I'm forever grateful for the revelation that I'm a leader whether in that position or not.
People are always watching what you do.
Life is so much better when you're being an encouragement than a bad example!
Relationships are better when you can trust.
God is constant, never changing and finding my identity in that releases such weight from my chest.
No longer do I need to live up to man's standards, for Christ set the standard for me long ago.

I truly know God is real, He's moving in and thru each of us everyday whether we want to acknowledge it or not.
I would like to challenge you to "walk in the opposite spirit" for a while, and see what goes on in your heart.
And by walking in the opposite spirit, I mean not acting out in a situation as "man" normally would.
For example, you're driving down the road and someone pulls out in front of you and you have to slow down or change your pace (heaven forbid).
Instead of sitting there, yelling at your steering wheel (in which case, nothing happens anyways!) simply let it go. Back off the person in front of you, riding their rear end isn't going to change the fact they pulled out in front of you! Smile, relax, enjoy the ride, be grateful you own a vehicle, be grateful you can listen to music for a little bit longer, be grateful the person in front of you has somewhere to be, be grateful you are now a little bit behind to something but at least you have somewhere to be. And by thinking these positive thoughts, your mind gets renewed. Don't always focus on the negative, it's so easy for our minds to naturally draw that way. But, truth is, we think we are "owed" things in this life, when really, we have no rights.
Yes, I said it, we deserve nothing.

While writing this blog, I am now realizing that Christmas is soon to be here, and this is the perfect time to practice walking in the opposite spirit!
How many times are people stressed out, rushing thru the stores, waiting in line to buy that big gift with money they don't have to spend anyways!?
Why do we think it's gifts or material items that matter??
What draws people together are meaningful times, not items.
Write a sincere letter to someone.
Spend quality time with friends.
Be a friend.
Spend quality time with your family (not sitting in front of a television or computer).
Embrace what you have, because so many are with out.
Go serve in a food line with family or friends.
Buy someone a cup of coffee.
Reach out to your community and help those in need.
I promise you, by doing that you will find much greater joy than you would opening any gift under a tree.
Gifts are always changing, nothing is ever enough anymore.
Check out this video I watched last week..
"First World Problems"

This season is not for YOU.
This is not Tayler-Mas .. it's Christ-mas folks.
Maybe before Christmas arrives, you could sit down and read a Gospel?
Just one, you don't have to read the entire Bible, but embrace what the season truly is about.
Gain some understanding.
It's easy to lose sight of what's really important when we get sucked in to what everyone else is doing, comparing ourselves to others. Be happy in who you are.

I pray you will have insight. I pray for conviction. Pray your eyes would be opened.
Pray you will love people more boldly.
Pray you will see people to help in your busy day.
Pray people will become a priority as opposed to a problem.
Pray blame will not be shifted, but accounted for.
Pray we can be men and women of change.
Pray for peace.

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