This past week we were blessed to be able to visit JusticeWater as a school and sit thru a fabulous presentation!
JusticeWater is a ministry that seeks to empower developing communities with multipliable and sustainable water technologies using resources that are available, affordable and acceptable to their culture and religion!
Did you know:
- Humans can only survive 3 days without water
- More than half the hospital beds in the world are taken up by water born illnesses
- In Africa, 40 billion hours are wasted a year just walking to get water
- Thousands of people are using dirty water to clean wounds
- The average distance people (mainly women and children) have to walk for water is 3.7 miles; generally carrying a 5 gallon bucket, which filled with water = 44 pounds
- 45% of deaths can be prevented in villages by basic hand washing
- More people in the world have cell phones than proper toilets
These facts are insane. It's crazy that there are so many injustices in the world, and how basic some of these injustices are. Water. How many times a day do you think "Man, I wish I had access to water?" Prolly never! We are so ridiculously blessed.
I've always been aware that there is starvation and malnutrition in the world, but being involved with YWAM and living in this environment you start learning the core of these issues and it's insane they're still going on today. I have felt very convicted this past week for ever complaining about having a cold shower or a not-so-great tasting glass of room temperature water. So many men, women and children in the world are drinking water that looks like this:
I don't point out these issues because "only other countries need help" or to "show the pictures of people to feel sorry for" but this is a legitimate issue.
If anything, just be ridiculously thankful today, and everyday, for absolutely everything you have.
There are so many things we have that we think we need. To survive, we don't need half of what we are blessed with.
We have clean water.
We have electricity.
We have rooms that we can control the temperature of.
We have a variety of food to choose from.
We have clean bathrooms.
We have comfortable beds to sleep in.
We have computers and technology.
We have washers and dryers and can simply throw our laundry in, push a button and go.
We have options for pretty much any aspect of life - which toothpaste to choose, what clothes to buy, what jewelry to wear, what make-up to buy, what car to drive, what sport to enroll your child in.
The list goes on and on. What is normal to us, sadly is an unattainable thought for another.
I am not saying this to make you feel bad.
But seriously, be thankful for what you have.
If you are reading this, you are blessed.
[JusticeWater doesn't necessarily pertain to everything I just ranted about, it wasn't anything they discussed in their presentation, it was just on my heart.]
However, back to JusticeWater, we learned about Moringa trees! "Miracle Trees"
Ever heard of them?
They are an amazing source of nutrition and definitely an answer to prayer!
Basically, these Moringa trees have enormous health benefits, as you can notice below!
In so many parts of the world, clean water is not accessible! Thus, people are living with illnesses, time is being consumed to retrieve water and deaths are occurring rapidly that can be prevented.
The red map shows countries with 5-35% of malnourished population!
The Moringa tree grows in subtropical areas, where malnutrition is prevalent.![](
The green map above shows the countries where Moringa trees grow....
(Where people need it most! Amen, amen!)
"It was as if people had a goldmine in their backyard and simply didn't know it."
*Every part of the tree is said to have beneficial properties*
I think this is absolutely beautiful. So raw, pure and beautiful, when I learned of this fact I literally was just in awe of God.
It was refreshing to just have the revelation that God provides.
This wasn't something man created.
Wasn't a "quick fix".
God had it all along.
Created it long before we knew what we were searching for.
I think it's epic.
Now, this information must be taught to villages!
Such a blessing!!
If you would like more information on the Moringa Trees, or just be as fascinated as I am, check out:
I love this information.
A few other ways JusticeWater is making an impact:
-Building rain catchment tanks in villages.
These tanks are simple to construct and a fraction of the cost of drilling a well.
$300 to build, serves 150 people with clean water a day (obviously dependent on rain) ;)
-Also, simple hand pumps.
Made of PVC pipe.
Children can do it!
$15 to construct
-Bio sand filters
Good bacteria eats bad bacteria and gives clean water!
Oral Rehydration Solution
-Drilling wells
There is more detail on these projects on their website!
They also have an 8 week course called The Ripple Effect - it reminds me a lot of the movie "Pay it Forward". Definitely worth reading about, my friend.
If you would like to learn more about JusticeWater check out: